Download The Prophet and the Reformer: The Letters of Brigham Young by Matthew J. Grow,Ronald W. Walker PDF

By Matthew J. Grow,Ronald W. Walker

till his dying in 1877, Brigham younger guided the non secular, monetary, and political lifetime of the Mormon group, whose settlements unfold during the West and provoked a profound political, criminal, or even army disagreement with the yankee kingdom. younger first met Thomas L. Kane at the plains of western Iowa in 1846. younger got here to depend on Kane, 21 years his junior, as his so much depended on outdoor adviser, making Kane crucial non-Mormon within the background of the Church. In go back, not anyone inspired the course of Kane's existence greater than younger. The letters exchanged through the 2 provide an important insights into Young's own existence and perspectives in addition to his activities as a political and spiritual chief. The Prophet and the Reformer deals a whole replica of the surviving letters among the Mormon prophet and the Philadelphia reformer. The correspondence finds the concepts of the Latter-day Saints in when it comes to American tradition and govt in the course of those the most important years while the "Mormon query" was once an incredible political, cultural, and criminal factor. The letters additionally shed vital gentle at the principally forgotten "Utah warfare" of 1857-58, caused whilst President James Buchanan dispatched an army day trip to make sure federal supremacy in Utah and exchange younger with a non-Mormon governor.

This annotated number of their correspondence finds greatly approximately those notable males, whereas additionally offering an important perception into nineteenth-century Mormonism and the historic second during which the circulation developed.

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Download Agendine 1911-1929 (Italian Edition) by Leonetta Cecchi Pieraccini,Isabella d'Amico,Masolino d'Amico PDF

By Leonetta Cecchi Pieraccini,Isabella d'Amico,Masolino d'Amico

Dal diario personale delle cose piacevoli o tristi, alle occasioni con personaggi di alta levatura culturale di cui riportare un momento tipico o un capriccio o un motto strano, alla notizia proveniente dal mondo politico o dalla grande storia, al (sempre sobrio) sfogo personale, alla riflessione critica di un pensiero o una lettura o un evento culturale. Queste Agendine di Leonetta Pieraccini sono il ritratto cellular di una famiglia che osserva l. a. cronaca quotidiana che le corre intorno nei decenni di un secolo movimentato.

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Download The Letters of Philip Webb, Volume IV: Volume 4 (The by John Aplin PDF

By John Aplin

Philip Webb used to be a British architect often called a founding father of the humanities and Crafts move and in addition a key member of the Pre-Raphaelite circle. He had an extended organization with William Morris and was once answerable for the layout of the highly influential pink condo, Morris’s first domestic. Webb's letters may be of curiosity to paintings and structure historians.

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Download Mémoires de jeunesse: Le roman noir d’une chemise prune ! by Nicolas Bonnal PDF

By Nicolas Bonnal

Ce livre a été écrit en 2007 pour présenter les mémoires de Serge, que son épouse Danièle voulait éditer. Je le reprends pour en fait écrire mes mémoires de jeunesse ou de genèse. Les ameliorations sont rares (pour ceux qui l’ont déjà lu), et ne troublent en rien ce récit d’une jeunesse ingrate vécue à une époque de zombi. C’est Mircea Eliade qui parle de los angeles deuxième chute de l’homme, l’époque où l’on ne se souvient même plus qu’il y avait european quelque selected avant. Nous y sommes. Nous ne savons même plus qu’il united states european des peuples premiers, des civilisations traditionnelles des endroits épargnés – puisque tout a été saccagé, et los angeles mémoire avec.
Les plus jeunes et les amateurs de mon web publication et de mes textes y trouveront j’espère à boire et à manger. Comme dit l’apôtre, il y a les nourritures liquides et les solides. A une époque de rapide abrutissement collectif, enfin reconnu et entretenu par los angeles technologie, l. a. bouffe et l. a. pharmacie, sans oublier les neuf heures de médias, il est temps que les survivants s’y mettent. J’ai toujours objectiveé los angeles word du barde celte Taliesin : « il faut un survivant à chaque désastre, et je suis ce survivant. »
Eh bien survivons ensemble.

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Download From the Monastery to the World: The Letters of Thomas by Thomas Merton,Ernesto Cardenal,Jessie Sandoval,Robert Hass PDF

By Thomas Merton,Ernesto Cardenal,Jessie Sandoval,Robert Hass

Thomas Merton and Ernesto Cardenal have been either poets and clergymen, utterly dedicated to a lifetime of religious contemplation which was once by no means faraway from the gritty paintings that cause them to probability existence and acceptance so one can bring up around the globe recognition touching on problems with social justice and the abuse of human rights. From the Monastery to the World collects the full correspondence among those religious males and devoted activists, translated into English for the 1st time.

The letters during this e-book, written among Merton and Cardenal from 1959-1968, supply us interesting insights into the early religious and political awakenings of eventual Sandinista and exponent of liberation theology Ernesto Cardenal, who was once then a beginner leaving the Trappist Monastery in Kentucky the place he first met Merton. whereas making the lengthy journey domestic to Nicaragua to construct a utopian artist’s commune at the Island of Solentiname, Cardenal rubs elbows with a few of Latin America’s maximum writers and artists of that point.

In From the Monastery to the World, Cardenal remains to be a hungry student, years clear of changing into the across the world well known poet-statesman and Nicaraguan Minister of tradition. right here we see the poet and monk Thomas Merton as a smart, sufferer, and infrequently even humbled mentor, throughout the years while he used to be nonetheless shaping and gathering the uncooked fabrics for such writings as: “The method of Chuang Tzu”, “Raids at the Unspeakable”, and “Conjectures of a accountable Bystander”.

Merton and Cardenal’s correspondence can provide readers an viewers to conversations among males deeply attached via their full of life endeavors towards religious freedom, voracious highbrow appetites, and creative exploration regardless of the cultural alterations, language obstacles, and geographic distances which divide them.

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Download Die Unbeugsamen: Briefwechsel aus Gefängnis und KZ (German by Olga Benario,Luiz Carlos Prestes,Robert Cohen,Niki Graça PDF

By Olga Benario,Luiz Carlos Prestes,Robert Cohen,Niki Graça

Die deutsche Jüdin und Komintern-Agentin Olga Benario wurde Ende 1936, nachdem sie in Brasilien an einem misslungenen Aufstand beteiligt gewesen warfare, hochschwanger an Nazideutschland ausgeliefert. In Gestapo-Haft in Berlin gebar sie kurz darauf ihre Tochter Anita, die ein Jahr bei ihr in der Zelle lebte, bevor sie in die Obhut der brasilianischen Großmutter gegeben wurde. Olga Benario gehörte später zu den ersten weiblichen Häftlingen im KZ Lichtenburg und in Ravensbrück. 1942 wurde sie in der NS-Tötungsanstalt Bernburg ermordet. Ihr Lebenspartner und der Vater ihres Kindes, der brasilianische Offizier Luiz Carlos Prestes, verbrachte die Jahre 1936 bis 1945 in Rio de Janeiro in Isolationshaft. Er battle Anführer des Aufstandes gegen die Regierung Vargas und seit Mitte der 1920er Jahre als "Ritter der Hoffnung" bekannt. Der Briefwechsel der beiden Gefangenen konnte unter den größten Schwierigkeiten der Distanz, der Sprache und der Zensur selbst noch während Olga Benarios Inhaftierung im Frauenkonzentrationslager Ravensbrück aufrechterhalten werden. Im Zentrum der Briefe steht das Schicksal des kleinen Mädchens.

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Download Traversée de nuit, Journal 2 (1965-1968): (1965-1968) by Charles Juliet PDF

By Charles Juliet

Ce mot, 'vivre', remark le comprendre? Quelles significations lui attribuer? Que doit-on faire de sa vie? Quel sens lui donner – ou en recevoir? Et s'il semble rigoureusement essential de se connaître, cet être que je suis, quel est-il? Dois-je le subir dans tout ce qu'il est? Ou bien puis-je le transformer? Mais alors dans quel yet, quelle goal? Les notes rassemblées dans ce magazine (1965-1968) font écho à ces questions qui jalonnent l'aventure de l. a. quête de soi. Ici, los angeles ténèbre s'éclaircit, Charles Juliet begin à revivre, à reconnaître son territoire, à l'arpenter dans l'espoir de pouvoir enfin l'habiter.

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Download Introduction au théâtre de Luigi Pirandello (Ecrivains) by Norbert Jonard PDF

By Norbert Jonard

Cette étude retrace non seulement l'histoire de Pirandello mais son itinéraire spirituel et intellectuel replacé dans le contexte politique et social de l'époque, celle du décadentisme. los angeles démarche est importante si l'on veut comprendre l'oeuvre de ce Sicilien traversée par tous les courants de l. a. pensée européenne. « Copyright Electre »

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Download Earthly Signs: Moscow Diaries, 1917-1922 by Marina Tsvetaeva,Jamey Gambrell PDF

By Marina Tsvetaeva,Jamey Gambrell

A relocating choice of autobiographical essays from a Russian poet and refugee of the Bolshevik Revolution.

Marina Tsvetaeva ranks with Anna Akhmatova, Osip Mandelstam, and Boris Pasternak as certainly one of Russia’s maximum twentieth-century poets. Her suicide on the age of forty-eight was once the tragic end result of a existence beset by way of loss and trouble. This quantity provides in English a suite of essays released within the Russian émigré press after Tsvetaeva left Moscow in 1922. in response to diaries she saved from 1917 to 1920, the paintings describes the extensive social, monetary, and cultural chaos provoked by means of the Bolshevik Revolution. occasions and people are noticeable in the course of the lens of her own experience—that of a destitute younger girl of upper-class heritage with young children (one of whom died of starvation), a lacking husband, and no technique of help except her poetry. those autobiographical writings are an eyewitness account of a dramatic interval in Russian historical past, advised by means of a proficient and outspoken poet.

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Download Ich habe auch gelebt!: Briefe einer Freundschaft (German by Astrid Lindgren,Louise Hartung,Jens Andersen,Jette PDF

By Astrid Lindgren,Louise Hartung,Jens Andersen,Jette Glargaard,Angelika Kutsch,Ursel Allenstein,Brigitte Jakobeit

»Manchmal frage ich mich, warum ich lebe, warum Menschen überhaupt leben. Aber das erzähle ich nur Dir – ich laufe nicht mit hängendem Kopf herum, sodass es jemand sieht. Falls Du weißt, warum Menschen leben, dann schreib und erzähl es mir.«

Astrid Lindgren stand 1953 am Beginn einer beispiellosen Weltkarriere. Bei einem Berlinbesuch lernte sie die Deutsche Louise Hartung kennen, etwa ein Jahr nachdem Lindgren sehr plötzlich ihren Mann verloren hatte. Aus der Begegnung entstand eine ganz besondere Freundschaft. Wie wenig andere verstand Hartung die »kleine Melancholie«, die Lindgren an manchen Tagen überkam. Über elf Jahre hinweg teilten die beiden außergewöhnlichen Frauen Freude und Trauer und standen einander in über six hundred Briefen bei, die sich wie ein Roman lesen. In den Briefen der Freundinnen, die die Weltschriftstellerin Astrid Lindgren von einer ganz neuen Seite zeigen, entsteht ein sehr persönliches Bild vom Leben in Deutschland und Schweden in einer Zeit des Wiederaufbaus und gesellschaftlichen Umbruchs. Berührend, klug, traurig und lustig zugleich: das Porträt einer engen Freundschaft, die alle Grenzen überwindet.

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